December 19, 2011

Getting Healthy For Life With Zevia All Natural Soda Review & Giveaway

As you know I have been trying to get healthier for my family and myself. One of my weaknesses is when my boyfriend buys pop (aka soda). He has such a sweet tooth and it doesn't affect his weight at all, his health is a different story. With Zevia at my side, I am hoping to change his soda habit into a healthy one!

For review I was sent a 6 pack of Grapefruit Citrus, both nervous and excited I drank one on the way to a concert. Within the first sip I was sold! I could barely taste the Grapefruit and what I did taste was fantastic. We all know how healthy Grapefruit is for you and a lot of us just cannot take the full on taste of it. The zero calories and zero sugar in this deliciously tasting soda will change your mind!

With varieties such as Cola, Lemon Lime Twist, and Dr. Zevia there is surely a flavor that will satisfy anyone in your household! 

Zevia flavors their soda with Stevia, and they answer all your questions about it. Browse around the site and find all the helpful information they have for you! 

I have one coupon for a free six-pack of Zevia!

a Rafflecopter giveaway